Autonauts Wiki

A Crate is a storage structure used to store various items up to tier 5. The crate is unlocked at the start of the game and you use a blueprint to build them.

A single crate can usually hold up to 25 items, but for some larger items that can be reduced. Crates can be stacked, and you can place up to 3 crates on top of each other. This expands the available space and lets the crates act as a single storage unit. Two crates stacked will typically hold 60 items, and three crates will hold 100 items. Exceptions include storing items like tunics, where one crate will hold 10 items, two will hold 24 items and three crates hold 40 items.

After researching Bigger Storage, 3 stacked crates can be upgraded to a big crate by using Ctrl LMB to access the update/info panel.

How to make[ | ]

Crafted atIngredientsItems

Used to make[ | ]

Crafted atIngredientsItems

Used to store[ | ]

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