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bot energy #wikiinfodump starting energy numbers (based on mk of drive piece) mk0=90 mk1=150 mk2=200
energy cost is a per second decay of 0.5 that only applies if robot "IsDoingSomething()" (no joke thats what its called in the code) which mostly equates to not standing still the energy effeciency upgrades are a subtraction from that decay amount, meaning you loose energy slower crude energy efficiency upgrade = 0.2 good energy efficiency upgrade = 0.4 so a good energy efficiency upgrade makes your bot last 5 times longer
there exists special code so that a bot can not run out of energy while adding or taking from a storage, presumably because that would block all other interaction with that storage until the bot was recharged
note speed upgrades do not affect energy in any way That’s all of it so far When I get home I can give you a raw code cheat sheet I found someone made