A Small Silo is a storage structure used to store particulates like soil, sand, mortar, and cereal seed.
Silos can be stacked up to 3 high, just like crates. One silo usually stores 100 units, and stacking more silos will expand the available storage to 240 and 400 spaces respectively.
After researching Bigger Storage, 3 stacked silos can be upgraded to a Big Silo by using Ctrl to access the update/info panel.
How to make[]
Crafted at | Ingredients | Items |
Used to make[]
Crafted at | Ingredients | Items |
Used to store[]
Bulrush Seedsㅤ•ㅤ Carrot Seedsㅤ•ㅤ Cereal Seedㅤ•ㅤ Cottonseedㅤ•ㅤ Mortarㅤ•ㅤ Sandㅤ•ㅤ Soil