'QoL' Part One[ | ]
V135.19[ | ]
- Mods: Bots - Get all held object UIDS (ModBot.GetAllHeldObjectsUIDs(ObjId))
- Mods: Directly get the Player UID (ModPlayer.GetUID())
- Mods: Get properties of an object (ModObject.GetObjectProperties(ObjId))
- Mods: Get the state of a Bot (ModBot.GetState(ObjId))
- Mods: Mod menu didn't display subscribed Mods
- Mods: Documentation errors and new deprecations
- Small objects that landed in shallow water could be completely submerged, making them hard to see.
V135.18[ | ]
- Mods: Fishing Rod min/max variables times added.
- Mods: Get the clothing types worn by Farmer/Bot (ModObject.GetClothingTypesWorn(ObjId))
- Mods: Check if Farmer/Bot is wearing a certain type of clothing (ModObject.IsWearingClothing(ObjId, "Hat"))
- Mods: All custom callbacks (RegisterForCustomCallback()) now provide item UID as well as User UID (e.g. player/bot UID) if applicable. All 9 updated.
- Mods: Lua Error now allows for exit on popup
- Mods: Support for Buildings/Floors on ModTiles.GetObjectsOfTypeInAreaUIDs()
- Mods: GetSelectableObjectUIDsOnTile could return player/non selectable of certain type
- Mods: GetObjectsOfTypeInAreaUIDs ignored Workers
- Mods: AddRecipeToConverter ignored custom converters of certain type
- Mods: PlayCustomSound could play in menu after being triggered
- Mods: UpdateMoveTo had issues with height gain
- Mods: Stacking custom items - only bottom one could be selected, now all work
- Mods: Error in various places about IndexOutOfRange from GetCategory
- Mods: Check added for object recipe infinite recursion.
- Mods: Script clash over sensitive issue
- Mods: "HoldableDroppedOnGround" custom callback provided old coordinates
- Mods: Reload scripts with no Mods caused error [AP-1379]
- Mods: Issue with first recipe in custom converter being unlocked when set to locked
- Mods: Continual error when offline and fetching subscribed Mods [AP1375]
- Mods: ValidObject and DestroyObject could could an error message
- Mods: Changes to destroy object to support building and floors, now features return for success
- The Bot Server would make noises before it was built.
- The beginning of long error messages could be off the top of the screen.
V135.17[ | ]
- Mods: Get all the UIDs of held objects by player (ModPlayer.GetAllPlayerHeldObjectsUIDs)
- Mods: Get all object UIDs on a tile (ModTiles.GetSelectableObjectUIDsOnTile)
- Mods: New 'UID' versions of functions - deprecated all confusing 'ID' functions
- Mods: Get when mouse button is down (ModBase.RegisterForInputMouseButtonDown) - returns callback with Tile X,Y and UID of object
- Mods: GetAmountObjectsOfTypeInArea not returning e.g. Bush, Boulder, TallBoulder
- Mods: Reload Scripts functionality removed all registering of input if using >1 mod
- Mods: StartMoveTo/UpdateMoveTo caching removed for safety (could cause error)
- Mods: Bots would cause error with custom tools due to save name handling
- A bot would become stuck if the player used RMB on it while using a Wheelbarrow.
- Bots were unable to put ingredients into stacked blueprints.
V135.16[ | ]
- Mods: Get Object Type from known UID (ModObject.GetObjectType(ObjId))
- Mods: Get the UIDs of all objects in an area (ModTiles.GetObjectUIDsOnTile)
- Mods: Custom Tool callback now provides UID of target and type of target
- Mods: Destroy and Object by UID - ModObject.DestroyObject(ObjId)
- Mods: Callback support for 'holdable dropped on ground' (RegisterForCustomCallback)
- Mods: Callback support for 'added to converter' (RegisterForCustomCallback)
- Mods: Check if object is valid - ModObject. IsValidObjectUID(UID)
- Mods: Custom converter could add recipes multiple times (one each load)
- Mods: CreateTool required a callback - no longer the case
- Mods: CreateTool animation was only set for use on object - not tile
- Mods: Custom objects (like converters) would cause errors on reloading
- Mods: Scale is taken into account for height of stacking and elsewhere
- Sometimes a crash would occur similar to "Worker Object FixingPeg already being added"
- The Super Bot Workbench select screen could become too tall for the screen.
- Generic Wildflower icon always showed Aster.
- Tutorial pointer would point to bottom/left screen while being asked to stow with now object in hand.
- Empty Buckets couldn't be dropped onto shallow water (this is still the case for buckets that held sand/soil)
- Autosaving while adding an upgrade or part to a bot would cause the bot to become unusable.
V135.15[ | ]
- Mods: New system for all tooltip names from custom items
- Mods: SetVariableForBuildingUpgrade (Allows upgrade To and From)
- Error messages are now more readable
- Mods: Custom GoTo Objects now stack
- Mods: Custom converter now errors if it can't find a recipe ingredient
- Mods: ModTiles.GetObjectTypeOnTile now returns correct custom name IDs
- Mods: Searching for Grass could crash.
- Mods: Custom callbacks on Converters were missing due to override
- Starting a script to mine Stone from Stone Deposits in Tutorial 'Better Scripting Part 5' would crash.
- A blueprint could be placed on top of the Autonaut if cursor was hovered over the tile they were standing on.
- Bees would sometimes not return to their Skep/Hive.
- Sometimes Bot groups couldn't be dragged into other groups.
V135.14[ | ]
- Mods: Register callback for on food consumed
- Mods: Register callback for on hat worn
- Mods: Register callback for on top worn
- Mods: Register callback for on hat removed
- Mods: Register callback for on top removed
- Mods: Register callback for on converter completed
- Mods: Register callback for on holdable picked up
- Mods: Lua update now contains delta time param - function OnUpdate(DeltaTime)
- Mods: Converters ignored certain custom foods/holdables
- Various Typos in errors/docs
- Pause menu recreated world
- GetGameState() bug where it could return null
- ModObject.StartMoveTo/UpdateMoveTo previously had issues
V135.13[ | ]
- Mods: Create mode map now shows the map as the game will have it (from the AfterLoad_CreatedWorld() function)
- Mods: Storage now accepts custom Mod items
- Mods: Can now specify carry size and inventory size of player via ModVariable
- Mods: All moddable variables are now output to file alongside their defaults (Part of Export Types on Mod Menu)
- The instruction "hand" pointer was sometimes behind the instructions.
- Trying to "Use Held Item" on water with an empty Bucket would cause the Bucket to be dropped rather than trigger an Exit Fail.
- Bulrushes wouldn't automatically respawn if they were all removed from the world.
- Picking up a Bot from a Bridge and moving away would leave the Bridge un-deletable.
- Mods: 'Get Map width/height', 'Set tile' and 'Set player location at start' all use AfterLoad_CreatedWorld() now for correct use.
- Mods: Storage strings not using Mod names
- Mods: Potential fix for no emissive shown on custom mats
- Mods: Converters stopped recipes being added
- Shift+R wouldn't reset the camera while teaching a bot or editing a search area.
- Exit on Fail was incorrectly triggered on adding to Research Station when another bot was in the middle of adding to it.
- Sometimes the Instruction "hand" wouldn't display when viewing the Brain of a working bot.
V135.12[ | ]
- Mods: Walled area search size now set via variable data
- Mods: Tools now degrade with each use.
- Mods: After every unsubscribe, user is returned to main menu [AP1173]
- Mods: Converters still show after being disabled [AP1222]
- Mods: Tier variable wasn't updated for Mods when set
- Mods: Custom Tools didn't degrade with each use
- Mods: Custom models now stack on ground correctly
- When two or more bots add/take from a Storage at the same time they would sometimes trigger an Exit On Fail.
- Adding objects to Fertiliser Storage would sometimes trigger Exit On Fail when it shouldn't
- Starting a script with Disengage while a bot was moving with a vehicle would result in the vehicle being permanently reserved.
- It was possible to build walls taller than 5 levels high.
V135.11[ | ]
- Fixed : Mods: Callbacks now work if placed in any other lua file than the first.
- Fixed : Mods: Feeding a colonist could cause an error expecting a pot.
- Fixed : Mods: Human readable name now working for mod custom items.
- Fixed : Bees will keep flowers reserved when a save is loaded.
- Fixed : Turning Bushes into Hedges would add to the AutoWooly Badge.
- Fixed : Bees would sometimes leave the world leading to a crash
- Fixed : Liquid Storage wouldn't trigger a Exit on Fail when full.
- Fixed : fixed wrong value for Mk3v2 rivets.
- Fixed : Fertiliser Storage wouldn't trigger Exit On Fail when it was full and a bot tried to add more.
- Fixed : While in Edit mode, completing a blueprint that was just placed down would crash.
- Fixed : Sometimes moving storage of moving flooring near storage could destroy the contents.
V135.10[ | ]
- New : Mods: Custom Tool callback now returns ID and tile coordinates
- New : Mods: Add any recipe to a converter
- Fixed : Mods: Custom icons shown as white or incorrectly
- Fixed : Holding a moving blueprint in Edit Mode while it's completed by a bot would crash.
- Fixed : Using Undo after a blueprint was completed could crash.
- Fixed : When targeting a Sign for buildings like Skeps, a bot script would read "Find Nearest Sign" instead of "Find Nearest Skep"
- Fixed : It was possible to drag-add completed walls on top of blueprints.
V135.9[ | ]
- New : Mods: Reload scripts functionality
- New : Mods: ModUI framework
- New : Mods: ModUI - UI Popup functionality
- Fixed : Mods: Storage manager now resets after disable mod/reload scripts
- Fixed : Mods: Audio now resets after disable mod/reload scripts
- Fixed : Mods: Mod Panel clearer for enabled/disabled mods
- Fixed : Sometimes an Add To instruction wouldn't work.
- Fixed : Sometimes selecting and moving instructions would crash.
- Fixed : Walls/Floors would sometimes be transparent when they shouldn't be.
V135.8[ | ]
- New : Mods: Custom GoTo class (allows object pathfinding)
- New : Mods: Custom Hat class
- New : Mods: Custom Top class
- New : Mods: GoTo MoveTo functionality
- New : Mods: Spawn object now returns unique identifier
- New : Mods: Mod Panel - Added button for ‘Open Folder’ on installed
- New : Mods: Mod Panel - ‘Export types’ on button
- New : Mods: Export Types now shows localised name
- New : Mods: Bots: Spawn a bot (custom variants can be specified)
- New : Mods: Bots: Get Group Names
- New : Mods: Bots: Get All Bot IDs
- New : Mods: Bots: Get All Bot IDs In Group
- New : Mods: Bots: Make Bot Move To Location
- New : Mods: Bots: Set Name of any Bot
- New : Mods: Set Quest Complete
- New : Mods: Set All Quests Complete
- Updated : Bot Database ingredients updated to be easier to unlock.
- Updated : Bot Database certificate requirements changed from 300 Bots to 150.
- Updated : Planning Areas now fill in the area with the chosen colour.
- Fixed : Bots would sometimes incorrectly trigger an Exit Fail when trying to add/take from Storage.
- Fixed : Autosaving while adding a hat to an animal could lead to a crash.
- Fixed : Autosaving while throwing an object to a bot could lead to a crash.
- Fixed : Camera couldn't be rotated while using "Follow Bot" option on Bot Brain.
- Fixed : Bulrushes would sometimes not grow after loading a save.
- Fixed : Crop height would be reset after loading a save.
- Fixed : Placing the Colonist Seed Dispenser then exiting Edit Mode would leave the cursor as the Dispenser instead of a square.
- Fixed : While holding CTRL+LMB to select multiple instructions the Repeat button could also be selected.
- Fixed : T-Shirt, Steven's Shirt, Apron and Adventurer's Top were the wrong weight.
- Fixed : Newly created Planning Areas would display their names/dimensions when Show Names/Dimensions toggles were turned off.
- Fixed : Adding an invalid object type to an empty palette that previously had something in it would crash.
- Fixed : Picking up and moving a bot that's holding a Sign would not update the Sign's area until the bot moved again by itself.
- Fixed : Using a Good Blade on a Pumpkin Crop played the animation forever but had no effect.
- Fixed : Putting a Bot that's part of a temporary team into a Stone Head/Storage would lead to a crash.
- Fixed : A Good Blade wouldn't work properly on a Flower Pot.
V135.7[ | ]
New[ | ]
- New : Planning Mode added. Press P to enter the mode. Press CTRL+P to toggle viewing the areas.
- New : Multiple bots can now be selected in Whistle mode by dragging an area with LMB.
- New : Selecting multiple bots will now create a temporary group that allows you stop/start/to me etc.
- New : Bot List now shows bots that aren't running any script.
- New : The Bot Database can now store scripts to transfer between bots.
- New : Bot Search will now also find Bot Groups.
New Objects
- New : Broom added - use this to get rid of any small objects laying around. not quite finished but you get the idea.
- New : Good Mortar Mixer added.
- New : Good Blade added.
- New : Fox Hat, Dinosaur Hat, Antlers Hat, Fox Top and Dinosaur Top added.
- New : Mk3 Variant2 bot parts added.
- New : Gnome4 added.
- New : Apple Berry Pie and Pumpkin Mushroom Pie added.
Edit Mode Changes
- New : When a converter is moved, all of the objects on its output tile will move with it.
- New : CTRL+Z added for Edit->Undo.
- New : Holding CTRL while area selecting will only select buildings and walls, not flooring.
- New : Clicking Repeat after selecting some instructions will wrap them with a new Repeat.
- New : CTRL+C will copy the currently selected instructions.
- New : CTRL+Z added for Undo.
- New : CTRL+R will now add a Repeat instruction.
- New : Multiple script instructions can now be selected when holding CTRL+LMB, rather than clicking each one.
- New : Clicking outside of any instruction will deselect any selected instructions.
- New : Shout instructions that begin with '#' will bring up a debug message box for the player.
- New : Support for adding new recipes to existing converters.
- New : Custom Tool Creation eg. Make a magic Axe.
- New : Get Object Tile Coords (From UID).
- New : Animation timer for Custom Tools
- New : Get Player holding object as ID
- New : Get Player holding object type
- New : Get Player state
- New : Exposed callbacks now return the name of the variable
- New : Mods Options menu now using Tick/Cross images for enabled
- New : Key bindings can now include CTRL/ALT/Shift modifiers.
- New : The object level is now shown when selecting what to make on a converter.
- New : Adding a new object type to an empty storage will automatically change the storage type without having to reset it first.
- New : Search Area Edit layout updated.
- New : "Look At Area" added to Search Area Edit.